Difference between revisions of "DEBIAN - Post-Install Script"

From wiki.1001solutions.net
(Created page with "Category:Post-It <nowiki> apt install -y tree strace vim screen unzip unrar-free p7zip-full nmap traceroute sysstat locate openssh-server htop iftop iotop tcpdump curl w...")
Line 2: Line 2:
apt install -y tree strace vim screen unzip unrar-free p7zip-full nmap traceroute sysstat locate openssh-server htop iftop iotop tcpdump curl wget rsync lm-sensors dnsutils dnstop iputils-ping iputils-tracepath locales-all iproute2 net-tools mtr-tiny snmp whois apt-transport-https ca-certificates software-properties-common dirmngr
apt install -y tree strace vim screen unzip unrar-free p7zip-full nmap traceroute sysstat locate openssh-server htop iftop iotop tcpdump curl wget rsync dnsutils dnstop iputils-ping iputils-tracepath locales-all iproute2 net-tools mtr-tiny snmp whois apt-transport-https ca-certificates software-properties-common dirmngr

Revision as of 10:24, 1 May 2020

apt install -y tree strace vim screen unzip unrar-free p7zip-full nmap traceroute sysstat locate openssh-server htop iftop iotop tcpdump curl wget rsync dnsutils dnstop iputils-ping iputils-tracepath locales-all iproute2 net-tools mtr-tiny snmp whois apt-transport-https ca-certificates software-properties-common dirmngr